Congregational Support

  • Birthday Fellowship Ministry

    Coming Soon.

  • DivorceCare Ministry

    Ministry Mission Statement

    The mission of the DivorceCare Ministry is to provide support in a Christian setting for individuals in our church and in the community who are experiencing separation or divorce. The ministry is equipped with trained group facilitators who are separated and/or divorced. Through a 13-week group session, they assist participants in discovering hope for the future and experiencing God's healing.


    Ministry Vision Statement

    The DivorceCare Ministry’s vision is to help hurting individuals come to the understanding that the path to divorce recovery is through God. In doing so, they assist families, who are the core of our society, have a better chance of sustaining their love for one another. The Ministry seeks to help individuals in allowing God to heal them. In so doing, the participant’s family values and guiding principles for living improve. This transition can change families, communities, churches, and the world.


    Recurring Ministry activities

    Ministry members meet as needed for prayer, training, planning, and fellowship.

    Divorce Care sessions last for 13 weeks, beginning the first Monday in August, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. via zoom.

    For more information please contact the church office 336-761-1358.

  • GriefShare Ministry

    Ministry Mission Statement

    The mission of the Ministry is to provide trained facilitators within a Christian environment to help grieving church members and persons in the community find healing and hope after the loss of a loved one. This ministry provides ongoing support and helps participants learn skills and practices to support them as they walk the journey of grief.


    Ministry Vision Statement

    The vision is to expand the GriefShare ministry by reaching out to other churches and the community to bring healing and support to more people who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Expanding the ministry will bring more people to God and the church. Ultimately, the Ministry desires to recruit enough facilitators to cover two 13-week sessions every year. Increasing the number of facilitators would help reduce the responsibility of those who serve currently and inject new energy into each group.


    Recurring Ministry Activities

    Training sessions are held prior to the scheduled 13-week sessions.


    Frequency of Meetings

    Support group meetings are held once a week, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. via zoom and last for 13 weeks.

    For more information please contact the church office 336-761-1358.

  • Stephen Ministry

    Ministry Mission Statement

    Our mission as faithful, compassionate, committed and trained Stephen Ministers is to provide one-to one

    Confidential Christian Care to UMMBC members and persons beyond our church sanctuary who are

    experiencing a period of challenge or difficulty.


    Ministry Vision Statement

    We envision that members of our church and within the African American community will embrace the notion that seeking assistance and support from other Christians is acceptable and is sometimes necessary in the healing process when one is facing difficult times.  The Ministry believes that helping others through support from the Stephen Ministry can assist with problem-solving, foster stability within the family, in the workplace, and in other relationships, and, ultimately, lead others to seek and depend on God and receive biblical answers to life's challenges. 


    Recurring Ministry Activities

    • Continuing education and match review meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every other month.
    • An annual retreat is held on a Saturday during the ministry’s anniversary month of June.
    • The 13-week DivorceCare support group meeting is held beginning the first Monday in August from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    • The 13-week GriefShare support group meeting is held twice yearly, beginning in February and in August.
    • The Ministry plans and facilitates a candlelight service every November for the families of deceased loved ones; this includes all persons who died since November the previous year. Church members and GriefShare participants are invited to attend. The names of deceased church members are called, and family representatives are called on to light a memorial candle.   

    Frequency of Meetings 
    Every other month

    For more information please contact the church office 336-761-1358.

  • Visitation Ministry

    Ministry Mission Statement

    The Mission is to go beyond the sanctuary to fellowship with the sick, shut-in, and hospitalized church members as well as those who have lost loved ones. It is our goal to offer them love, fellowship, and support in line with our guiding scripture of: Matthew 25: 36, 40 36 “I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”


    Ministry Vision Statement

    The vision is to extend the love of Christ to those who are experiencing personal illness, immobility, or the loss of a family member.


    Proposed 2024 Ministry Activities

    Our activities include visiting, making phone calls, sending cards, and praying for our sick, shut-in, hospitalized, and bereaved church members.


    Frequency of Meetings

    We plan a formal meeting biannually and keep in touch with each other through email and phone calls as needed to report the names of those we need to visit.


    Recurring Events

    We celebrate our anniversary in June of each year

    For more information please contact the church office 336-761-1358.