Spiritual Formation

Sunday School

Adult and New Members at 8:30 A.M. via Zoom.

Children's, Middle and High School at 9:00 A.M. on site

Ministry Mission Statement

The mission of the Sunday School is to fully equip members through weekly study of God’s word, so that they may become disciples. The mission is to also help, fully equip the students with the word of God for the purpose of evangelism in accordance with the Great Commission.


Ministry Vision Statement

The Sunday School is grounded firmly in the Word of God, centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ and prepared to teach and serve a diverse, inter-generational community of disciples as we grow in the knowledge of Christ and bear witness to God’s love within our congregation, local community, and throughout the world as directed by the Holy Spirit.


Proposed 2024 Activities

  • Forsyth Countywide Baptist Training Institute
  • Forsyth County Sunday School Union monthly teaching session 

Frequency of Meetings

Monthly meetings/training sessions as needed; quarterly workshops.


Recurring Events

  • Forsyth Countywide Baptist Training Institute
  • Bible Bowl Competitions for youth Sunday School Students
  • Vacation Bible School
  • School Sunday School Promotion Sunday
  • Oratorical Contest
  • Easter Program
  • Christmas Program
  • Women’s & Men’s Day Celebration
  • National Sunday School Appreciation Day

For more information please contact the church office 336-761-1358.

Children and Youth Classes



    This is a great class with committed teachers for some of our youngest children. Preschoolers and first graders begin the lesson with an activity, hear a Bible story and complete a worksheet.


    The teachers in this class do an excellent job engaging children in learning and serving throughout the year. Second and third graders are introduced to a Bible theme, hear a Bible story, answer questions about the Bible story, and complete a worksheet.


    Introduced to the lesson with the 2nd and 3rd graders, this class invites students into good conversation about the Bible and Jesus. Fourth and fifth graders read a realistic situation related to the theme, read a Bible story, answer questions about the Bible story, explore a good response to the realistic situation, and discuss ways to respond faithfully in their own lives.


    The energetic teaching team presents memorable Bible lessons to a group of pre-teens. Sixth through eighth graders work through activities based on Bible verses and have conversation about the Christian life. Their current study is entitled “Journey”.


    This teaching team challenges teenagers in deep conversation about how to live out the gospel. Ninth through twelfth graders have thought-provoking discussions about the Scriptures and everyday life using question-based curriculum. The current series is entitled “Jesus-Centered Life”.

  • Bible Study

    Provided virtually online every Wednesday.

  • TNT: Teaching on Tuesday

    TNT: Teaching on Tuesday is an exciting interactive Bible study. It is designed to engage students both spiritually and intellectually as they explore Bible. The Bible study format allows the teacher and participants to move at a rapid or relaxed pace as they take a comprehensive verse-by-verse look of various books of the Bible. TNT is sure to provide students with a wealth of knowledge a long with an opportunity to process what they have learned from each session.

    In-Person every Tuesday at 12 Noon in the Sanctuary.

  • Vacation Bible School

    Ministry Mission Statement

    Vacation Bible School is a ministry outreach program designed to educate children and adults about God through the use of a religious curriculum, nightly classes, themed children’s activities, and fellowship.  The mission is to build relationships among children and adults within our church and the community.


    Ministry Vision Statement

    The vision of Vacation Bible School is to connect children and families within our congregation, reach out to and foster relationships with children and families in the community, engage them in daily study of God’s word, and bring them into a knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  


    Recurring Ministry Activities

    Vacation Bible School is held for one week each year during the month of June, beginning one week after local schools have dismissed for the summer.